Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Is it a road? Or an island?

We spent two lovely days in Providence, couchsurfing with the ever-so-accommodating Chris who spent time between his busybusybusy geology graduate studies to host us in his very cool loft apartment.
Providence is a small big city, and is something of a combination between Boston & Philly, but roughly a quarter of the size. There are lots of very pretty brick buildings, swans (random), and delicious (DELICIOUS) roast beef hamburgers…I am literally drueling as I type this. Also: we had a few tall cans of the local Narragansett Lager at the Hot Spot, which was featured in Something About Mary...we felt pretty awesome about it. Also also, its always pretty sweet to get into a college area during moving time, as you find all sorts of interesting things on the side of the road...such as the 1960's record player console you will find pictured at the bottom of this post. And yes, it takes up quite a bit of room in the back of the truck.
The home state of George Cohan & the Farrelly brothers definitely did not disappoint, and we had an awesome time exploring the historic metropolis of Providence.

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