Friday, October 14, 2011

Crabs and the Charm City

From Gettysburg, we made our way to Baltimore without much knowledge of what to expect aside from what we knew from The Wire...we were only about one third right.
We got into the city during the evening and made our way to the very pretty home of the lovely lady with whom we couchsurfed for the following two evenings near the Johns Hopkins campus. Turns out the city is beautiful, is home to one of the coolest outdoors farmer's markets we've been to, has an awesome metal scene and a huge foundation in art, tons of very beer-centric drinking spots, and, as you may have guessed, massive amounts of Old Bay and it's appropriate crustaceans.
Over microbrews, street fairs, Natty Po, enormous Maine Coon cats named "Charlie", and Val Kilmer in Willow, our hosts rocked and we will be coming back very soon.

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