Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Into the Land of Red Socks and Witches

We spent the next 5 lovely days in Beantown getting our history on.
We stayed in the area of Medford (think Tufts University) in the brand new house of the beautiful and INCREDIBLY awesome Julia White, who is pretty much the most ridiculously awesome host ever (even while in the middle of moving and working…she rocks super hard). We spent the days exploring the city in detail, and then gave ourselves a bit of time towards the end to get ourselves into trouble :) Breweries, cupcakes, the Festival of St. Anthony in Little Italy (think an entire side street full of the best Italian food you’ve ever had…for free. That was a pretty awesome find when we were just looking for a cheap sandwich shop), after hours, Julia, Geoff, Gena, and Bryan, plus lots and lots of walking cant even begin to sum up the five awesome days that we had in Boston, which we followed up with an afternoon in Salem getting our witchcraft on on our way over to Cape Cod…pictures will tell it much better than I can:

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