Friday, October 14, 2011

D.C., Uzbeck Style

From Baltimore we entered the capital via Delaware (so we could buy something really quick without sales tax. Oddly enough, the teensy state is a bit reminiscent of Nova Scotia...), and only got confused in the ridiculously laid-out road system of D.C. for about 2 hours before we made it to our relatively downtown destination for the next few nights. We stayed with Dale's very good friend from high school Zarina (who is Uzbeck, in case you were all wondering about that) who is a Georgetown graduate working as a advertising associate in the Watergate building for The Journal (I know, she's very fancy).
2 days of Smithsonians and memorials, one day of downtown, and one day of Georgetown and the very fun and foodie-centric Adams Morgan area, D.C. is fantastic, and so is Zarina. Also: the subways make you think that you are in a post-apocalyptic video game.
On our last day in D.C., we were lucky enough to be able to have lunch with Dale's great uncle Mark who is suffering from cancer, yet still enjoys a good margarita :) We had a lovely visit & it was very good to see him, as its been years and years.
We ALSO got to have breakfast with Dale's old babysitter from Coolidge, Jennifer Dixon, with her wonderful husband and FIVE babies! She is supermom, and somehow between all of her little ones found time to put us a little road trip basket together. We love her. Not too many pictures, unfortunately, but here's just a few:

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