Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Invading the French

We arrived in Ottawa in the afternoon, in the middle of a cheerful rainstorm which brought us our first bit of cooler weather. To begin with, neither of us knew that the capital city of the country was both in Ontario and Quebec, so that’s a fun fact. We surfed the couch of the beautiful and ridiculously awesome Navine on the Quebec side of the city, and she and her wonderful boyfriend Sacha are probably two of the coolest people we have ever met…we definitely fell in couple love with them, and preceded to have a night of waffles with the best maple syrup of our lives (you only want the stuff that comes in a can, fyi), hockey & beer for Jimmy and Sacha, and manicures, 27 Dresses, and some much-needed estrogen time for Dale and Navine. In the morning Sacha took us to a beautiful bakery/market that reminded Dale very much of one she had been to in Paris, and we had the most refreshing, delicious breakfast of the trip over conversations of the subtle linguistic differences of Quebec French from its predecessor (note: Quebec is known for meat pies and poutin…both delicious, and more on the later to come). They are coming to visit us over New Years, we can’t wait!! All in all, Ottawa is a very beautiful, bright, flowery city, and we had an amazing time with amazing people as we had our very first experiences in Quebec.
*again, sorry about the lack of very many pictures*

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