Friday, June 10, 2011

Tour de Clint Eastwood

Monterey, Carmel-by-the-Sea (of which he was mayor, fun fact), and San Fran, that is! Monterey and Carmel were beautiful, green, & full of rich white retirees and lots of art (but no fake plants...seriously. They are actually illegal.)

We made it into San Fran yesterday morning around 10, meeting up with the lovely miss Courtney Rump who set up an awesome tour of the Anchor Steam Brewery for for breakfast never tasted so delicious :) From there, she somehow made it to work & we began some explorations of the city, starting with Alcatraz (very cool...a zoo, but a very cool zoo). From there, we made it down to the Mission neighborhood to stay with the awesomest girl ever (Ali Murphy) and shenanigans ensued, leading us to some delicious Mexican food action as well as some craft beer drink-age in the very cool area.

This morning, we left the Mission area after a few hours of going through vintage shops and burrito restaurants & made it down to the Wharf. After a few oysters and a little exploring we checked into our nearby hotel, the San Remo, which is apparently haunted by the "painted lady" Madame (who at one point ran a brothel in the building), and a little girl who tries to get into rooms. We'll let you know.

2 more days in the city then on to Napa! Here, look at our awesome pictures:

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Pics! We are waiting for more.....Napa coming up....
