Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Central Coast and Changes of Plans

Camera crisis averted & we're back online, errr'ybody!
San Diego and the Peterschmidts are awesome, Dale learned a little guitar from Daniel, Thomas taught Jimmy a thing or two about extreme trampolining and lacrosse, and Gabi and Dale kicked some butt in Demon. Awesome stay, for sure.

Since, we've stopped in to LA and spent a day in Venice and Santa Monica to pop Jimmy's coastal LA cherry, followed by a night of sweet beach camp-age in Malibu. One interesting thing about traveling like we are is that we have realized that there are tons of Europeans that are doing the same thing that we are...good old euro exchange rate, they're living it up over here!!

Although our plans were originally to camp in Big Sur tonight, the PCH is closed 20 miles south of the campgrounds due to mudslides, which we obviously had to see for ourselves, which resulted in about 100 miles of backtracking. Not a bad deal, turns out, because we not only discovered Hearst Castle (although too late to actually tour it, we SAW it! :) ), the fact that elephant seals actually inhabit North America, also an amazing little place called Salmon Creek, but we also get to get a shower in in a hotel room in Monterrey this evening :) Pictures, pictures:

Monterrey and Carmel are tomorrow, then off to San Fran! More updates soon to come!


  1. Looks great guys! I am following this everyday and will try to continue the trend, those waterfalls and rocks look lovely! :)

  2. We are getting soooo jealous !!!! the waterfall pics are awesome!....the kids said next time you go on a road trip you have to take them all! works for us!
