Tuesday, June 14, 2011

From SF to Wine Country & the Avenue of Giants

We've been busy little bees!
Since last post, we stayed with Dale's cousin Courtney Rump in San Fran, and proceeded to paint the town red for two full days, from the Full House house to the Haight and Ashbury Street Fair to watching Rob Lowe film a movie in Chinatown to discovering awesome new beers and foods at holes in the wall all over the city. She is the awesomest tour guide ever and we had an amazing time!

From San Fran, we made it over the Bridge to St. Helena in Napa two days ago to visit Dale's Aunt Kaaren, Uncle Greg, and cousin Megan (along with new baby Kali!) and indulge in a little grape. We stayed there for one deliciously hedonistic evening and rid the world, completely unselfishly, of more than several bottles of wine. We had so much fun hearing old stories and philosophizing till the wee hours of the morning, though our gracious hosts only had us for a day, it was the best day ever :)

This morning was a rough start due to the activities of the previous evening, but we flew out like a herd of turtles around 11 am this morning to Crescent City, CA, which is very near the border to Oregon & about 6 hours from Portland. Though originally planning to make it to Portland by tonight, we had way too much fun in the Redwood Forest to want to speed through it in all of its magnificence...its really stunning, completely unbelievable.

After a blustery drive, a herd of elk, and a few possible Sasquatch sightings, we've made it to CC and are all settled in to our hotel for the evening. More to come when we take Portland by storm tomorrow! Pictures of exactly how busy we bees are:

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