Thursday, August 18, 2011

Chicaaaago is...myyy kinda tooooown...

Its been a few miles! So Chicago was just about 2 weeks back, and its a pretty damn awesome city. We stayed in Greek Town with an old friend of Jimmy's/sorority sister of Dale's sister's Amanda Peters, her lovely boyfriend Scott Shapiro, and another past Chi O, Carlhey Bolz. Amanda and Scott are the best hosts ever, and Carlhey took us out to some pretty sweet places (DJ-off for Lalapalooza? Yes, please!). We also went up to Deerfield to see the house my grandpa built in 1957...oddly enough, the family living in it is from Arizona :) Among awesome jazz bars (The Green Mill...oh my god), Ian's Pizza, entire outfits of highlighter green, IO improv shows, Pasta Wednesdays, and thorough - I do mean thorough - explorations of the entire city, we got very good at riding the L's (even though Jimmy is already a seasoned vet) & left a pretty solid footprint...Chicago, we'll be back very soon.

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