Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July, Edmonton Style

Awesome. Even though they wouldn't let me wear a bikini.

Also, my sister Erin has secretly been modeling for Canadian magazines:

That is all, more to come from the mosquito & Monty Python-sized rabbit-infested city of Edmonton.


All in all, Edmonton was very similar to Tucson (but perhaps set in Iowa), with one major artsy/eclectic bar & shop-filled street (Edmonton's Whyte Avenue vs. Tucson's 4th), a relatively small downtown, and lots of surrounding neighborhoods with bungalow-style houses, all surrounded by green rolling plains and farms. We found a very cool dive bar and discovered the best shit beer EVER ('Shit beer' [noun]: any beer you do not mind drinking in bulk over the course of an evening due to its lighter texture and flavor, ease of going down, and lack of anything truly amazing. Ex. Budweiser is my favorite shit beer), Alexander Keith's Amber...if anyone can find it in the States, do it, and share with us!
The mosquitoes were like nothing either of us have ever seen....we are both about 7 pounds lighter from the blood loss. Also, the rabbits were the size of small dogs, and could probably feed a family of four for a few days. As for the rest of the wildlife, magpies are everywhere, and Elk Island National Park just outside of city limits is bursting over with wild buffalo...? We had a lot of fun, but with the humidity and the eminent malaria (Dale actually got a mosquito bite on her eyeball), we are happy to now be in Calgary as we speak :) It is post-Stampede, and we will have stories in a few days. Picture time:

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